Tuesday, 31 December 2013

A New Year

Some photos of my Christmas at home, as I reflect on the past year and all that it has brought with it, the (mostly) good and the bad. I'm so excited about what 2014 is going to bring!

"Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn."
- Mahatma Ghandi

Here's to a New Year!

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Grubs up!

I got some lovely new art supplies for Christmas - sketchbooks, pencils, paints. So, naturally, I had to try them all out as soon as possible!
Here is an illustration of our beautiful dinner table on Christmas day featuring some of my particular favourites; apricot stuffing, garlic mushrooms, roasties and Strawberry and Lime Kopparberg. YUM!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

'Twas the Night before Christmas

Today I wrapped presents, chopped red cabbage, peeled potatoes and made a centre piece for our table. Now I'm sipping a hot spiced apple drink and waiting to watch a classic Christmas movie with my family, before getting to bed so Santa can arrive! Tomorrow I intend to eat my body weight in food and chocolates, have to get a good night's sleep for that too. And the weather forecast predicts snow - what a big day ahead!

                 Merry Christmas to everyone!


Monday, 23 December 2013


I came across these forgotten prints today and thought I would share them. I entitled the prints 'Masana' which means 'morning' in Chichewa, the local language spoken in Malawi, Africa. The scene of the goat, huge boabab tree and hut reminds me of the sun rising across an African landscape, cool before the blazing sun arrives at noon, and quiet, with only a cockerel crowing and the occasional chirping of a cricket before the bustle of the day begins.
I'll be honest and say that I did actually forget that the image appears in reverse when printed (rookie mistake) but THANKFULLY not before I wrote the title underneath; that would have been unfortunate!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Long Journey Home

I arrived home for Christmas on Wednesday evening, after a windy, rainy, rocky and very delayed journey across the Irish Sea. I spent a few days before in Edinburgh, where I visited the German Christmas Market, a renowned horrendously awful club and my sisters flat for Christmas dinner.
Here is a quick drawing I sketched while on my way home in the bus... more work to follow shortly!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

A few selfies

Finished a few self portraits recently, so here they are.
These days I am cooped up in my room with endless cups of tea, the same ten amazing songs on repeat and about a dozen sketchbooks, as hand ins loom near. I can't wait to be free for Christmas holidays, and get in the festive spirit.
My plans for Christmas include visiting the Christmas market in Edinburgh, going on a random road trip with my best friend, surviving my mums amazing Christmas dinner, and healing the deadly shin splints I'm suffering from much running. Oh, and making an absolutely epic snowman when (if) it snows this year.
3 more days of staring with glazed eyes at a computer screen and then I'll be free!